Complexity, Information & Other Stuff of the Universe
The fundamental argument of this website is that the world, or universe if you prefer, is inherently complex and both the sciences and philosophies should ultimately place their assertions, arguments, theories, and so forth with this fact in mind. The pages linked below explain in greater detail what I mean by "information" and "complexity." "Entropy" is also briefly discussed because it is the inextricable flip side of information and you can't fully appreciate one without the other. If you wish to have a deeper understanding of complexity, information, or entropy, there are entire books on "complexity science," "information theory," and introductory "thermodynamics."
To perhaps pique your interest more, it might help to briefly describe how areas of study can help to better understand the basic machinations of our universe: The known fundamental constituents of our universe consists of matter-energy, fields of force, and space-time. At this time, scientists also posit that dark matter and dark energy make up about 94% of the universe. However, the nature of dark matter and dark energy is not even remotely understood at this time. Indeed, they might not even be some kind of matter or energy at all - the names are just place holders and could have just as well been named "Jack" and "Jill." Therefore, we will have to set these aspects of the universe to the side for the foreseeable future.
Although quantum mechanics seems to get all the press, due to its seemingly outlandish but nevertheless well-proven assertions, thermodynamics is the area of physics that in many ways better explains how matter and energy behaves at our macroscopic level of being. Fields of force like gravity and lectromagnetism are the primary forces with which matter interacts, and coerces the formation of structures like stars, planets, and living organisms, while also guiding their processes. Without these interactions and subsequent relation ships between constituents (a.k.a., syntactical information) the universe would be in an "uninteresting" state of disorder. Complex systems or "complexities" are the highest manifestations of the universe's constituents coming together to become, over time, evermore complicated.
Before divulging more, it is best to take a step back to better understand: